Park Availability


18 Dec 2018


Our Chiswick Park Enjoy-Work 2018 Speaker Series featured great conversations, inspirational talks and lunchtime entertainment delivered by experts in their respective fields.

Each speaker provided our Guests with an insight into their worlds. We covered Sport, Technology, Science and Business in four speaker events attended by 500 of our Guests.

Here is a summary of our 2018 Speaker Series:

“Striving for Excellence” – Talking Sport with Colin Jackson

In March, former World, European and Commonwealth hurdles Champion Colin Jackson joined us for our first event in the Speaker Series, inspiring the guests with his story of how he turned bitter defeat into positive energy, and the motivation needed to stay on top of your game.

“Tech Trends Changing the World” – Talking Tech with Georgie Barrat

In June, presenter of Channel 4’s ‘The Gadget Show’ and tech journalist, Georgie Barrat educated us on tech trends and implications for business and society in the new digital world.

“The Science of Happiness” – Talking Science with Professor Lord (Robert) Winston

In September, expert in fertility and the leading voice in the genetic engineering debate, Professor Lord Robert Winston explained ‘The Science of Happiness’- a topic close to our hearts here on the campus.

“From the Dragon’s Den to Reggae Reggae Sauce” – Talking Business with Levi Roots

In November, musician turned chef and entrepreneur behind the Reggae Reggae sauce, Levi Roots told us his story of how he went from making jars of his sauce in his family kitchen, to selling over 1 million bottles in supermarkets across the UK after ‘slaying the Dragon’ on the TV show Dragon’s Den.

You can watch the levi Roots talk on our Youtube channel HERE!

In 2019, we will welcome a host of influential speakers to the Park to inspire and educate our Guests.

The line-up of speakers and dates will be announced shortly.

Stay tuned!




General enquiries

020 8636 8080